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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Database of the Part-Management ====== ==== Aufbau ==== <graphviz dot left> digraph aufbau { graph [ rankdir="TB" ]; node [ shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10 ]; edge [ fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10 ]; subgraph rights { /* style="plaintext"; color="gray"; */ rxuy [label = "{<r1-u1> r1-u1 |<r2-u1> r2-u1 |<r1-u2> r1-u2 |<r2-u2> r2-u2}"]; rxrgy [label = "{<r1-rg1> r1-rg1 |<r2-rg1> r2-rg1 |<r3-rg1> r3-rg1 |<r1-rg2> r1-rg2 |<r1-rg3> r1-rg3}"]; kb1 [ label="Keyboard 1", shape="ellipse", style=filled, fillcolor=gray ]; ms1 [ label="Mouse 1", shape="ellipse", style=filled, fillcolor=gray ]; label = "required"; } subgraph cluster1 { style="plaintext"; color="invis"; kb2 [ label="Keyboard 2", shape="ellipse", style=filled, fillcolor=lightgray ]; ms2 [ label="Mouse 2", shape="ellipse", style=filled, fillcolor=lightgray ]; label = "optional"; } subgraph cluster2 { style="filled, dashed"; color="black"; fillcolor="lightgrey" usbhub [ label="USB-Hub", style="filled", fillcolor="#e0e0e0" ]; keyboards [ label="Keyboards", shape="oval", style="filled", fillcolor="#e0e0e0" ]; mice [ label="Mice", shape="oval", style="filled", fillcolor="#e0e0e0" ]; keyboards -> usbhub [ label="USB", dir="both" ]; mice -> usbhub [ label="USB", dir="both" ]; label = "optional USB connection"; } subgraph cluster3 { style="invis"; client1 [ label="Client Contr. 1", style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue ]; PC1 [ label="PC 1", shape="box3d", style=filled, fillcolor=green ]; client1 -> PC1 [ label="USB", color="black" ]; } subgraph cluster4 { style="invis"; client2 [ label="Client Contr. 2", style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue ]; PC2 [ label="PC 2", shape="box3d", style=filled, fillcolor=green ]; client2 -> PC2 [ label="USB", color="black" ]; } subgraph cluster5 { style="invis"; client3 [ label="Client Contr. 3", style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue ]; PC3 [ label="PC 3", shape="box3d", style=filled, fillcolor=green ]; client3 -> PC3 [ label="USB", color="black" ]; } subgraph cluster6 { style="invis"; client4 [ label="Client Contr. 4", style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue ]; PC4 [ label="PC 4", shape="box3d", style=filled, fillcolor=green ]; client4 -> PC4 [ label="USB", color="black" ]; } subgraph cluster7 { style="dashed"; client6 [ label=" . . . \nClient X", style="solid", color="white" ]; PC6 [ label=" . . . \nPC X", style="solid", color="white" ]; client6 -> PC6 [ label="USB", color="black" ]; client5 [ label="Client Contr. 5", style="filled", fillcolor="#d5e3ff" ]; PC5 [ label="PC 5", shape="box3d", style="filled", fillcolor="#b6ffc2" ]; client5 -> PC5 [ label="USB", color="black" ]; { rank="same"; "client6"; "client5"; } { rank="same"; "PC6"; "PC5"; } label = "etc. (expandable)"; } MC1 [ label="\rMain Controller", fontsize="14", width="1.70", height="1.00", style="filled", fillcolor="yellow" ]; { rank="same"; "MC1"; "usbhub"; } kb1 -> MC1 [ arrowhead="open", style="solid", label="PS/2", color="black" ]; ms1 -> MC1 [ arrowhead="open", style="solid", label="PS/2", color="black" ]; kb2 -> MC1 [ arrowhead="open", style="solid", label="PS/2", color="gray" ]; ms2 -> MC1 [ arrowhead="open", style="solid", label="PS/2", color="gray" ]; MC1 -> usbhub [ style="dotted", label="USB", dir="both" ]; MC1 -> client1 [ label="SPI", color="black" ]; MC1 -> client2 [ label="SPI", color="black" ]; MC1 -> client3 [ label="SPI", color="black" ]; MC1 -> client4 [ label="SPI", color="black" ]; MC1 -> client5 [ label="SPI", color="black" ]; } </graphviz>
