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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Materialverwaltung Version 2.0 ====== If possible in any way, write your documentation and identifier in English. ===== First thoughts about the Design ===== * The database should be abstracted from the application. * <graphviz dot left> digraph abstractionElements { graph [ rankdir="LR" ]; node [shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10]; subgraph cluster1 { style="plaintext"; color="invis"; app1 [ label="Application 1", shape="ellipse", style=filled, fillcolor=lightgray ]; app2 [ label="Application 2", shape="ellipse", style=filled, fillcolor=lightgray ]; label = "Applications"; labelloc=t; labeljust=c; } subgraph cluster2 { style="plaintext"; color="invis"; lib [ label="library", shape="record", height=0.8, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow ]; label = "MVW Librarys" labelloc=t; labeljust=c; } subgraph cluster3 { style="plaintext"; color="invis"; db [ label="Database", shape="record", height=0.8, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue ]; label = "MVW Database"; labelloc=t; labeljust=c; } app1 -> lib [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; app2 -> lib [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; lib -> db [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; db -> lib [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; } </graphviz>
