SDCC Installation for PIC micro Controller
Installation and source folder
In this example every source will be downloaded and compiled in
so this path must be adjusted to the path you used.
All supplied configure options are for installations to
if you want an other installation folder, mostly –prefix=„/path/to/destination/folder/“ could be used.
change directory
cd /opt/bleeding_edge
get the newest gputils code
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/gputils/code/trunk gputils_svn_trunk
change to the newly checked out code repository
cd gputils_svn_trunk/gputils
configure the project (with disabled html-doc and faster „one-time“-build)
./configure --disable-html-doc --disable-dependency-tracking
compile and install everything
make sudo make install
change directory
cd /opt/bleeding_edge
get the newest sdcc code
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/sdcc/code/trunk/sdcc sdcc_svn_trunk
change to the newly checked out code repository
cd sdcc_svn_trunk
configure the project (only PIC14 and PIC16 enabled)
./configure --disable-mcs51-port --disable-z180-port --disable-z80-port --disable-r2k-port --disable-r3ka-port --disable-gbz80-port --disable-tlcs90-port --disable-ds390-port --disable-ds400-port --disable-hc08-port --disable-s08-port --disable-stm8-port
compile and install everything
make sudo make install