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wiki:syntaxcomplete-de [2011/06/07 06:35]
admin angelegt
wiki:syntaxcomplete-de [2011/06/15 23:14] (aktuell)
admin doku für plantuml und register angefangen
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 {{page>​wiki:​syntax-de}} {{page>​wiki:​syntax-de}}
-===== Kurzübersicht über die Syntax der hier Intallierten Plugins ​=====+===== 8.1 note plugin ​===== 
 +für eine hervorgehobene Notiz auf der Seite :
-==== note plugin ====+<​code>​  
 +Dies ist meine Notiz ! Erinnere dich daran !! 
-==== graphviz plugin ====+<​note>​ 
 +Dies ist meine Notiz ! Erinnere dich daran !! 
-==== include plugin ====+ 
 +<note important>​  
 +Warning ! You're about to lose your mind ;-)  
 +<note important>​ 
 +Warning ! You're about to lose your mind ;-) 
 +<note tip> 
 +Notiz um einem Tipp hervorzuheben. 
 +<note tip> 
 +Notiz um einem Tipp hervorzuheben. 
 +<note warning>​ 
 +Pass auf dem Hund auf, wenn du die Tür öffnest! 
 +<note warning>​ 
 +Pass auf dem Hund auf, wenn du die Tür öffnest! 
 +Die keywords ''​important'',​ ''​warning''​ und ''​tip''​ können genutzt werden. 
 +===== 8.2 graphviz plugin ===== 
 +Any Graphviz compatible graph definition can be given with ''​graphviz''​ tags. 
 +The rendering engine can optionally be given as argument in the opening tag. Supported are ''​dot'',​ ''​neato'',​ ''​twopi'',​ ''​circo''​ and ''​fdp''​ with ''​dot''​ being the default. 
 +You can also specify ''​left'',​ ''​center''​ or ''​right''​ to align the resulting image. 
 +A parameter in the form of ''//<​number>//​x//<​number>//''​ is interpreted as wanted output size. 
 +==== Example ==== 
 +{{ http://​img97.imageshack.us/​img97/​2613/​dotb.png?​nolink&​}} 
 +<​graphviz dot right 500x200>​ 
 +digraph finite_state_machine { 
 + rankdir=LR;​ 
 + size="​9,​5"​ 
 + node [shape = doublecircle];​ LR_0 LR_3 LR_4 LR_8; 
 + node [shape = circle]; 
 + LR_0 -> LR_2 [ label = "​SS(B)"​ ]; 
 + LR_0 -> LR_1 [ label = "​SS(S)"​ ]; 
 + LR_1 -> LR_3 [ label = "​S($end)"​ ]; 
 + LR_2 -> LR_6 [ label = "​SS(b)"​ ]; 
 + LR_2 -> LR_5 [ label = "​SS(a)"​ ]; 
 + LR_2 -> LR_4 [ label = "​S(A)"​ ]; 
 + LR_5 -> LR_7 [ label = "​S(b)"​ ]; 
 + LR_5 -> LR_5 [ label = "​S(a)"​ ]; 
 + LR_6 -> LR_6 [ label = "​S(b)"​ ]; 
 + LR_6 -> LR_5 [ label = "​S(a)"​ ]; 
 + LR_7 -> LR_8 [ label = "​S(b)"​ ]; 
 + LR_7 -> LR_5 [ label = "​S(a)"​ ]; 
 + LR_8 -> LR_6 [ label = "​S(b)"​ ]; 
 + LR_8 -> LR_5 [ label = "​S(a)"​ ]; 
 +<​graphviz dot right> 
 +digraph example { 
 + ​ graph [ rankdir="​LR"​ ]; 
 +  node [shape=record,​ fontname=Helvetica,​ fontsize=10];​ 
 +  a [ label="​MVW_Settings_User"​ URL="​\ref MVW_Settings_User"​];​ 
 +  b [ label="​MVW_Settings"​ URL="​\ref MVW_Settings"​];​ 
 +  c [ label="​MVW_Settings_Program"​ URL="​\ref MVW_Settings_Program"​];​ 
 +  b -> c [ arrowhead="​open",​ style="​solid",​ color="​red"​ ]; 
 +  b -> a [ arrowhead="​open",​ style="​solid",​ color="​blue"​ ]; 
 +  }  
 +<​graphviz dot right> 
 +digraph example { 
 + ​ graph [ rankdir="​LR"​ ]; 
 +  node [shape=record,​ fontname=Helvetica,​ fontsize=10];​ 
 +  a [ label="​MVW_Settings_User"​ URL="​\ref MVW_Settings_User"​];​ 
 +  b [ label="​MVW_Settings"​ URL="​\ref MVW_Settings"​];​ 
 +  c [ label="​MVW_Settings_Program"​ URL="​\ref MVW_Settings_Program"​];​ 
 +  b -> c [ arrowhead="​open",​ style="​dashed"​ ]; 
 +  b -> a [ arrowhead="​open",​ style="​dashed"​ ]; 
 +  }  
 +//Die URL-Syntax funktionert leider nur in doxygen Dokumentationen//​ 
 +===== 8.3 include plugin ====
 +Simply enclose the ID of the page to be included in double curly brackets: 
 +  {{page>​[id]&​[flags]}} 
 +  {{section>​[id]#​[section]&​[flags]}} 
 +  {{namespace>​[namespace]&​[flags]}} 
 +^ [id] | page ID of the page to include; some [[#macros]] are possible; shortcuts are resolved ('':'',​ ''​.'',​ ''​..''​) | required | 
 +^ [section] | limits the included page to a specific section and its subsections | optional; default is the whole page | 
 +^ [flags] | flags delimited by ''&'',​ see [[#flags]] | optional | 
 +The plugin offers three syntaxes, ''​%%{{page>​...}}%%''​ and ''​%%{{section>​...}}%%''​ and ''​%%{{namespace>​...}}%%''​. 
 +Section is aimed more at including sections, page at including whole pages and namespace at including whole namespaces. 
 +===== 8.4 cloud plugin ===== 
 +This is a very simple [[plugins|plugin]] that shows a cloud of the most frequently used words in your wiki: 
 +  ~~CLOUD~~ 
 +  ~~CLOUD:​number~~ 
 +Optionally you can specify the number of words to display. Default is 50. Allowed are numbers between 1 and 999. Each of the words is linked to the search result page for it. The words are styled in a way that more frequent words are bigger and have a darker link color. 
 +You can exclude words from the word cloud by adding them each on its own line to ''​inc/​lang/​[lang-code]/​stopwords.txt''​ or to ''​conf/​stopwords.txt''​. Remember that last line in file should be empty to work correctly. 
 +This plugin can also make a "tag cloud" now! ([[plugin:​tag]] plugin must be installed) The syntax is also simple: 
 +  ~~TAGCLOUD~~ 
 +  ~~TAGCLOUD:​number~~ 
 +  ~~TAGCLOUD:​number>​namespace1:​subns11|.|namespace2~~ 
 +I also supports clouds for the most searched words in the wiki ([[plugin:​searchstats]] plugin must be install): 
 +  ~~SEARCHCLOUD:​number~~ 
 +===== 8.5 info plugin ===== 
 +  * **keyword** can be one of: 
 +    * //version// --- Displays current DokuWiki version. 
 +    * //​syntaxmodes//​ --- Displays the complete list of [[devel:​parser|parser modes]] together with their [[devel:​parser#​order_of_adding_modes_important|getSort()]] values. See also [[devel:​syntax plugins]]. 
 +    * //​syntaxtypes//​ --- Displays which [[devel:​syntax_plugins#​syntax types]] are used by available plugins. The syntax type determine which syntax may be nested. 
 +    * //​syntaxplugins//​ --- Displays a list of available [[this>​plugins?​plugintype=1|syntax]] plugins.  
 +    * //​adminplugins//​ --- Displays a list of available [[this>​plugins?​plugintype=2|admin]] plugins. 
 +    * //​actionplugins//​ --- Displays a list of available [[this>​plugins?​plugintype=4|action]] plugins.  
 +    * //​rendererplugins//​ --- Displays a list of available [[this>​plugins?​plugintype=8|render]] plugins.  
 +    * //​helperplugins//​ --- Displays a list of available [[this>​plugins?​plugintype=16|helper]] plugins.  
 +    * //​helpermethods//​ --- Displays documentation of helper plugin class methods along with parameters and return values. One example of a helper plugin supporting this is [[plugin:​pagelist]]. 
 +===== 8.6 box plugin ===== 
 +Beschreibung dann hier 
 +===== 8.7 columns plugin ===== 
 +Beschreibung dann hier 
 +===== 8.8 plantml plugin ===== 
 +Beschreibung dann hier 
 +===== 8.9 register plugin ===== 
 +Plugin um "​register"​ zu Beschreiben (Daten an Adressen von CPUs/​RAM/​Flash etc). 
 +register = WDOG_CTL 
 +long desc = Watchdog Control Register 
 +short desc = moo 
 +perms = RW 
 +addr = 0xFFC00200 
 +reset = 0x0AD0 
 +length = 16 
 +bit range = 15 15 
 +bit name = WDR0 
 +bit desc = 0 - Watchdog timer has not expired\n1 - Watchdog timer has expired 
 +bit flags = W1C 
 +bit range = 11 4 
 +bit name = WDEN 
 +bit desc = 0xAD - Counter disabled\nAll other values - Counter enabled 
 +wird zu 
 +register = WDOG_CTL 
 +long desc = Watchdog Control Register 
 +short desc = moo 
 +perms = RW 
 +addr = 0xFFC00200 
 +reset = 0x0AD0 
 +length = 16 
 +bit range = 15 15 
 +bit name = WDR0 
 +bit desc = 0 - Watchdog timer has not expired\n1 - Watchdog timer has expired 
 +bit flags = W1C 
 +bit range = 11 4 
 +bit name = WDEN 
 +bit desc = 0xAD - Counter disabled\nAll other values - Counter enabled 